Wednesday, October 5, 2011


From what I have read, it is recommended that writers set goals for themselves. So I had to ask myself: "What exactly should my goals as a writer be?" After giving it some thought, I chose to make my goals small and few. After all, I am writing my first book "just for fun". Burdening myself with too many high powered goals would defeat the purpose of why I want to write. It would take all the fun out of it for me. So for the time being, here is what I have decided on as my goals:

  • Write at least one blog post per week. Setting this easily attainable goal for myself forces me once a week to give thought to the world of Spacemouse 9. Hopefully, this will keep me focused on the project and motivate me to continue making progress on the book.

  • Write blog posts that contribute to the back-story of Spacemouse 9. The works of literature that I find enjoyable (such as the books of J.R.R. Tolkien) have well developed back-stories. I hope to develop the Spacemouse 9 universe in the same way, all the while documenting my progress through blog posts. In theory, I will later be able to group these back-story posts together to form a sort of online encyclopedia or appendix. This appendix would contain details about the Spacemouse 9 universe that might be alluded to, but not fully explained in the book.

  • Expand the Spacemouse 9 blog. Currently, the Spacemouse 9 blog is a somewhat bare bones affair. I want to add more features to the blog including the aforementioned appendix as well as an "about the author" page and any other features that would befit a published *fingers crossed* author.

  • Looking over these goals I see that they each have more to do with blogging than they have to do with writing a book! Ah well, it just goes to show I am a blog writer first and a book writer second. And yes, I do have another blog, but I leave that story for another day.

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