Sunday, November 27, 2011

First Appendix Entry Underway

In a previous blog post I mentioned that one of my goals for the Spacemouse 9 blog is to add a section of appendix entries. The intent is for the appendix to contain back-story information about the Spacemouse 9 universe, information that fleshes out items not fully explained in the book. I am pleased to announce that the first appendix entry has been started! The entry, when posted, will explain the Rothi numbering system which has certain similarities to the Roman numeral system. The Rothi system, however, differs from the Roman system in that the Rothi system is based on geometry rather than letters. Look for the first appendix entry to be posted in coming weeks.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Another Book for the Reading List

I started reading Stephen King's On Writing this week. In the second forward of the book, King proclaims, "I'll tell you right now that every aspiring writer should read The Elements of Style." (by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White). Now most serious writers probably know of this book, but being a "noob", I had never heard of it. So I have added "Strunk & White" to my list of must reads. If Stephen King, a best selling writer of Science Fiction and Fantasy, recommends a book by E. B. White who wrote Stuart Little, one of the best known books to have a mouse as its lead character, how can I not put it on my reading list? ;)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Reading List

This week I ordered some books I feel will help me become a better writer and storyteller:
  • On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
  • Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury
  • The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
There is a separate reason why each of these books was chosen. I will share what lessons I glean from them in later posts. Stay tuned...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chapter 1 Started

I made a start this week at writing Spacemouse 9 and the Mission of Doom. I tentatively titled the first chapter "The Rothi Moon". My current plan is for this chapter to contain a basic explanation of Spacemouse 9's home world and his people, who call themselves "the Rothi". This explanation will include information about the configuration of the Rothi planetary system as well as information about the history and traditions of the Rothi themselves.

As the title of chapter one indicates, the Rothi live on a moon. This moon is nestled in ring of asteroids which encircle a large mysterious planet. The Rothi are a quiet species and their culture is honor based which makes it Japanese-like in many respects. Once chapter one is complete, my plan for chapter two is to introduce Spacemouse 9 himself and lead into recounting the fateful mission around which the story line of the book is based.