Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Journey Begins

When my children were young, I used to tell them impromptu bedtime stories. The stories were invariably Fantasy themed with the tales continuing from week to week in serial form. Often it would take months to reach the end of a story. The protagonists of the stories tended to be somewhat bizarre: a living pickle with magical powers in one case, a piece of toast brought to life by a fairy in another. But the improbability of the characters and the unexpected turns in their adventures brought a sense of wonder to my children's eyes that I loved to see.

Another thing I did for my children was draw cartoons for them in church services when they became bored and squirmy. One continuing character was a mouse in a space suit. We referred to the character as simply "Spacemouse" for lack of a better name. As the children grew, there became less and less need to draw Spacemouse and eventually the drawings ceased.

A year or two ago, my wife and children began gently prodded me to unite my Spacemouse character with my story telling skills and write a book. Reluctant at first, I eventually took their urging to heart and decided to give it a try. But where to begin? In my search for answers I read somewhere that all good authors in this day and age should have a blog, which brings me here. And so the journey begins...